Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mother's can't get sick

So Monday rolled on and saw me incapacitated with what I thought was a headcold. Uh..no. By midday, I had the sweats, the chills, nausea, headache and the body aches that just wouldn't quit. I needed to lie down, but I had Tweedledee and Tweedledum being absolute terrors to each other and poxy boy was no help.

I had thought of keeping everyone home, so I could remain in a vegatative state all day, but sadly, that was not meant to be. A quick glance at the calander showed that it was Freja's retreat day up at Auxillium College, a day of reflection and pondering on life's big questions before she makes her confirmation in two weeks.. so fuck it.. she had to go to school.

After coming back home, as if by magic, the kids transformed into wilderbeasts and knew that I was unable to deal with them. I had toys strewn from arsehole to breakfast... there was no way I could lie down.

With snot dripping, I started the washing machine, got the dishwasher sorted, folded laundry and then vaccuumed (which almost killed me). Per sent me a text at lunch, to which I sarcastically replied that all was under control. The sarcasm was lost on him...he took me at my word.

I got hotdogs out for dinner..no gourmet cuisine tonight! And then, I hit my wall. Per arrived home to sparkling bathrooms, clean floors, happy children but a grumpy wife. GRR..

I took to bed and spent the next 24 hours there.. and now that I have been reanimated, I can see that the house is a fucking nightmare. Yes, the children are alive.. somewhere.. in all the mess..

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