Sunday, August 29, 2010


So yeah. Last week was fucked up. The Chrysler cost us a pretty penny. I sold my wedding rings. I sold my mother's wedding rings. I pretty much sold my soul to be honest. Life doesn't get much lower than it did last Monday. It was ugly. And I am not proud of myself. But I have a car that works now and a way to transport my family around.

The house went live on Thursday and we had 8 people through over the weekend. More are coming today. We had an offer on Saturday night, but it was too low, so we didn't accept. The house in the street behind us sold at auction for $490K and it was a shitbox. I hope to get at least that in a worst case scenario.

I have to say, this place looks amazing. Benny has done an outstanding job on the stairwell (and I seriously don't want to know how he did it.. I have images of Spiderman in my head as it is!) and I'm patting myself on the back too for a job well done. Now, let's get this place sold!

Yesterday, I visited my brother's house, our childhood home, for the last time. It's being smacked down later on this week. I went through each room and let the memories wash over me. I could hear mum in the kitchen, see her in the bedroom, the bathroom, the lounge... I could hear her voice echoing through the empty corridoors. I wrote on the wall of my bedroom. I checked the wardrobe one last time for my carvings. I said goodbye to my childhood and goodbye to my mother's whispers and then I sat in the car and I cried.

This year is writing the end of this chapter of my life. A change is coming. And it's going to be good.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A pox on your house!

So, this morning, it became quite obvious that Benny has full blown Chicken Pox. UGH! His face looks like a hormonal teenage boy's, but his back, torso, arms and legs are fully covered. It's not pretty. So, guess what? He scores a week home from work! WIN! And if he feels well enough.. he can sand and polish the floors. Mwahahaha..

The other side of the coin would be that he feels absolutely shitful and takes to his bed for a week. That would really screw the pooch.

In other exciting news, we spent $826 on the Chrysler on Friday, getting it serviced... and the damn thing shit itself on the way home from E's party on Sunday. The engine light came on and you know that's never a good thing. I got home in one piece, but had to give up on the shopping.

We took it back to the shop this morning and they ran a diagnostic on it and said it could be either one of two things. 1) It's really going to shit itself and most likely at an inopportune time.. or 2) It's just fucking with us and nothing is wrong. I don't think I appreciate the Chrysler's humour either way.

So people.. this is the week. We're supposed to be finished with the house renos, painting, sanding, etc by the end of the week.. Let's see if we do it, now that the odds are stacked against us.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Oh so tired

and over all the painting. Benny is really starting to give me the shits with his pedantic way of doing things. This was supposed to be a quick slap of paint to freshen the place up, not a nit picking, fault finding, cover all job! He drives me to drink, I swear.

I've painted for 7 days straight now and I'm sooooo fucking tired. My whole body aches. Seriously, if I didn't have Per coming home to find fault and redo, I'd have finished the whole bloody thing by now.. GRR!

So..this is procrastinating. I should be painting. Sigrid is in Kinder, Tove asleep and Jonah about to have a nap. Prime painting time awaits..UGH!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Painting Hell

Sweet Jesus. Whoever said painting was fun, obviously never had a house full of pink cornices to paint. My arms ache, my back aches, I'm tired and I all I really want to do is sit on my fat arse and knit for a while!

We're on a deadline. We have to get this house freshly painted within the next two weeks, so that we meet the time frame to purchase the place in Kyneton. I'm really hoping it works out in our favour. But this means two torturous weeks of non stop painting. Throw in a Chicken Pox, a cold, a Confirmation and a Communion as well and that about sums up our busy schedule.

I will be so glad when this is done. And I will have earnt myself a yarn spree. Oh yes, indeedy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mother's can't get sick

So Monday rolled on and saw me incapacitated with what I thought was a headcold. By midday, I had the sweats, the chills, nausea, headache and the body aches that just wouldn't quit. I needed to lie down, but I had Tweedledee and Tweedledum being absolute terrors to each other and poxy boy was no help.

I had thought of keeping everyone home, so I could remain in a vegatative state all day, but sadly, that was not meant to be. A quick glance at the calander showed that it was Freja's retreat day up at Auxillium College, a day of reflection and pondering on life's big questions before she makes her confirmation in two weeks.. so fuck it.. she had to go to school.

After coming back home, as if by magic, the kids transformed into wilderbeasts and knew that I was unable to deal with them. I had toys strewn from arsehole to breakfast... there was no way I could lie down.

With snot dripping, I started the washing machine, got the dishwasher sorted, folded laundry and then vaccuumed (which almost killed me). Per sent me a text at lunch, to which I sarcastically replied that all was under control. The sarcasm was lost on him...he took me at my word.

I got hotdogs out for gourmet cuisine tonight! And then, I hit my wall. Per arrived home to sparkling bathrooms, clean floors, happy children but a grumpy wife. GRR..

I took to bed and spent the next 24 hours there.. and now that I have been reanimated, I can see that the house is a fucking nightmare. Yes, the children are alive.. somewhere.. in all the mess..