Thursday, July 29, 2010


My stress levels are through the roof. I have a superkalafragalistik headache that won't quit. I look around and see all the stuff that needs doing, and I can't take it on myself. Not while I have three little kids to look after during the day. It's impossible.

I don't think we're going to get this place in Kyneton. That's the pessimist in me coming out. It's on the market now (although the paperwork is not complete so they can't accept offers for another couple of weeks!) Our place is not on the market. We're not even close to ready.

We have the painting to be done, the lounge floor to be sanded and polished, the blinds on the bottom level to be installed.. it's not going to happen overnight, is it?

On the bright side, the kids are enrolled in schools there and they think they look wonderful. It's very exciting for them. I feel positive about that.. but not about our house.

In the meantime, the purge continues. I have a metric fucktonne of shit I have to get rid of (and that includes furniture!) because I am not schlepping it all to Kyneton with us. No way.

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